Every year, we’re always asked if there are any jobs that people can chip in to help us with, and each year – jobs like helping out on the day of the carnival, helping to set-up the field, or to take it all down again. In our Carnival Committee meetings, we always talk about getting a Jobs List up on the website ahead of time, and each year, we don’t get around to do it. It’s not that we’re forgetful , or don’t care about it – we do. It’s just that with busy working lives, children and other ‘life stuff’, it gets… prioritised… at the bottom of the list! But now, we’ve done it! We’ve started a Jobs List on the Doddington Carnival website where you can check-out what help we need and throw your name into the ring to help! We’ve got the Race Night with a Twist coming up very soon, and there’s a job or two on there already for that (but there will be more!!) and then we’re into the preparations for the big events in July! So please, have a look! Get in touch , ideally ...