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Showing posts from July, 2018

Sports Fields Stalls!

We’ve been busy again this year in getting a whole load of stalls for your shopping and browsing pleasure! There are sweet stalls, photography stalls face painters, burgers, hog roasts an more! In case you wanted to know who’s going to be there, well, here’s the list! 1st Doddington Guides 1st Doddington Rainbows 1st Doddington Scout Group Army Cadets Askham Village Community Beagles Explorer Scouts Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue Service Community Champions Cartigan Jams, Chutneys & Preserves Doddington Christmas Lights Doddington Horticultural Society Doddington Model Club Doddington Recreation Committee Doddington Under 5s Emma's Frames and Make a Memory Photography Glitter Hair - Cystic Fibrosis Trust Greenvale iBaker/Boston Donuts Jester King Hog Roast Kelly's Sweet Creations Maggie's Henna Tattoo Party Sweet Cones & Tombola Perfect Shot Photography Pick-aaa-Book! StreetPride The WI Wills Wheels We hope you’ll call over to each of the stalls and see what games...

Lining Up in the Sun!

Whilst the Carnival is absolutely fabulous and it may feel like magic, it certainly doesn’t happen by accident.  The guys have been out in the blazing 30 degree sunshine getting the Sports Field on Benwick Road ready for the races on Saturday, but which shows dedication and effort! The weather forecast has changed ever so slightly for the weekend, but like Ernie here, you might still want to wear your hat!! Incidentally, we’d like to give Ernie a big shout-out and say thank you from us all for helping get the running track looking on top form for the weekend. Top man.


It's the Wednesday before Carnival-Saturday, and things may not look like they're moving at warp-speed, but from our perspective, it certainly is! Hopefully you’ve seen already, but The Scarecrows are out in force, with Ziggy Stardust, Harry Potter and even The Queen gracing our roadsides, to name but a few! It's great to see so many people joining in the fun, as it really kick-starts the whole thing.  Judging begins soon! Carnival preparations are coming to a head, which is both worrying and exciting, as this has taken months and months of thought, planning and pestering people by the carnival crew and (finally!) it's all now starting to pay-off.  This year’s Carnival Prince and Princess, Luke and Imogen, are getting set to play their part in the proceedings, and being driven around in their glamorous carriage! The Sports Field plans are also being finalised, as we're trying to keep a similar format to last year, but improve slightly on some of the aspects followin...