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Photograph Competition!

Photograph Competition!

  • Are you the next accidental David Bailey?
  • Can you take a fantastic photo on Carnival day?
  • Check your phone snaps – you could be the winner!


We’re looking for the best photo taken on the Saturday 1st July 2017, and one that fully shows the day off to it’s best.

You may not be the best ‘technical’ photographer, nor have the best camera equipment, but we all know that sometimes those accidental snaps are the best.  You know, those phone or snappy-cam shots when you weren’t trying to take the perfect picture.

The prize for this year’s Photograph Competition, has been generously donated by the Wimblington Photography Society, and is as follows:

to the Wimblington Photography Society

There are two winners places available:

  • The Public’s Choice
  • The Expert’s Choice

All photography submitted will go onto the website, allowing the public to vote for their preferred photograph, but the folks at the Wimblington Photography Society will chose the Expert’s Choice, where they’re looking for all the hallmarks of a winning photo.

Full details are available on our website, which is at

We look forward to you entering! Good luck!
