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Programmes and Raffle Tickets

The Doddington Carnival and Sports Day isn’t far off, and Team Carnival are out pounding the streets of the village once again, in a bid to sell Programmes and Raffle Tickets ahead of the big day.

Programmes are 50p each, and is your free entry per adult to the Sports Fields with it. In addition, keep your programme handy to see if you win the Lucky Programme draw!

Raffle Tickets are £1 each, an d the prizes are as follows:

  • 3rd Prize is £50
  • 2nd Prize is £100
  • 1st Prize is £150

We’ve  divided up the village into sections and someone will be knocking on your door soon, if not already.  But if you’ve missed us, then head on over to The Three Tuns, where you can get yours, or buy them at the Sports Field on Saturday 1st July.

Good luck!
